Peter Demediuk is Program Director of the Postgraduate Research in Accounting and Finance at Victoria University, Australia

Peter is a CPA and has wide experience in public sector resource management as a practitioner, consultant, educator and researcher and is currently on the Victorian CPA Public Sector and Technology Committees.

His key interest is on performance measurement and organisational learning in government and the transportation and translation of international approaches to public sector performance management to different country settings.

Recent consultancies via AUSAID and APEC initiatives have focused on public sector financial and resource management and regional development in Indonesia and Thailand and other Asia-Pacific countries.


Demediuk, P, Solli, R & Adolfsson, P 2012, 'People plan their park: Voice and choice through participatory budgeting', International Journal of Interdisciplinary Social Sciences, V.6, I.5. , pp. 185-198

Demediuk, P & Solli, R 2012, 'Better together: learning and change through a citizen panel', The International Journal of Learning, V.18.. I.3., pp. 9-22

Solli, R, Demediuk, P & Adolfsson, P 2011, 'Verför medborgarbudget nu?', Medborgarbudget i Sverige, Europa, och Världen, Sveriges Kommuner och Landsting, Stockhom, Sweden, pp. 83-96

Demediuk, P 2011, 'To journey together: community-based governance' Global Business and Economics Anthology, BE & SI Anthology of Business. V.2, I.1, pp. 76-92

Demediuk, P, Solli, R & Adolfsson, P 2011, 'Young people, big ideas: participatory budgeting fixes a river', The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V7. N.1., pp 193-205

Demediuk, P, Solli, R & Burgess, S 2011, 'We can get something more complete: participatory budgeting to enhance sustainability', The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability, V7. N1., pp 180-192

View Peter's publications in Victoria University's Research Repository.

Teaching responsibilities


Postgraduate unit: BAO5522 Managerial Accounting

Peter teaches and supervises in Doctoral and Masters programs in the following areas:

  • Accounting,
  • Financial analysis, and
  • Performance management.

Professional membership

  • CPA Australia
  • Asian Academy of Management
  • European Accounting Association
  • International Reseruce Management Association
  • Western Decision Sciences Institute

Areas of expertise

  • Drivers of performance in small wineries
  • Improving indigenous financial literacy
  • knowledge networks intellectual capital
  • management accounting alliances relationships

Contact details

(03) 9919 1083