BSBINN502 - Build and sustain an innovative work environment

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Unit code: BSBINN502 | Study level: TAFE
City Flinders
Footscray Nicholson
St Albans


This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to create an environment that enables and supports the application of innovative practice focusing on a holistic approach to the integration of innovation across all areas of work practice.  It applies to individuals working in leadership or management roles in any industry or community context. The individual could be employed by the organisation, but may also be an external contractor, the leader of a cross organisation team or of a self-formed team of individuals. The work group could be permanent or temporary in nature. 


For Melbourne campuses

Assessment tasks will be designed to reinforce and extend knowledge and skill competence within set and controlled parameters in accordance with each unit’s learning outcomes and performance criteria requirements, including the setting of work based practical application tasks designed to provide evidence of competence outcomes, within periodic and scheduled timelines.

Students will be expected to demonstrate the following required skills:

  • establishing procedures and practices that foster innovation;
  • reinforcing the value of innovation to the vision and objectives of the organisation;
  • model ling behaviour including being receptive to ideas, giving constructive advice, evaluating own work, establishing and maintaining relationships based on mutual respect and trust, taking considered risks that provide opportunities for innovation;
  • evaluating how the physical environment can be enhanced to support innovation and collaboration and collaborating on ideas to make improvements including in the selection of physical resources and equipment, and the design, fit-out and decoration of the workspaces, and;
  • making changes to a workspace that will encourage innovation in at least one of: design; fit-out; decoration.

Required reading

The qualified trainer and assessor will provide teaching and learning materials as required in the form of workbooks produced by the Polytechnic and/or via the Polytechnic e-learning system.

As part of a course

This unit is not compulsory for any specific course. Depending on the course you study, this unit may be taken as an elective.

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